Cauliflower Pizza Base


2 Cups of cooked cauliflower 

2 Eggs

3 Tablespoons coconut flour

2 Tablespoons Oil ( I use avocado or macadamia nut oil )

1 teaspoon salt 

1/2 teaspoon dried basil

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 

Optional - 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast ( for a cheese flavour )


Pre heat oven to 180°C

Cook and cool cauliflower.  

In a clean tea towel place cooled cauliflower pieces and gather up into a parcel and squeeze out all the excess water and moisture.  

Put all ingredients into a bowl along with the cooled squeezed cauliflower and mix to form a dough. 

Place onto a tray lined with baking paper.  Flatten and shape into a pizza shape.  I like to make mine really thin so it goes crispy.   

Bake for 20 - 30 mins until brown and delicious on the edges.  

Add pizza sauce and your favourite topping and enjoy.  So yum cold the next day.  

Note: You will want to rinse and wash the tea towel asap as if you leave it it will be pretty smelly 😀


Greens with Tahini Sauce


Chocolate protein smoothie